DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Visit time in Joomla Local timezone: 2024-10-05 18:46:45DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Perform Visitor counting process (function: countVisitor())DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
New VisitorDEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Recognizing visitorDEBUG info JoomlaStats:
This IP address is valid.DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
server: ''
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
server: ''
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
query: '
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
server: ''
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
query: '-T inetnum -r
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Answer from RIPE serverArray
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Visitorjs_Visitor Object
[visitor_id] => 0
[visitor_ip] =>
[visitor_useragent] => ccbot/2.0 (
[visitor_exclude] => 0
[visitor_type] => 2
[OS] => js_OS Object
[os_id] => 0
[ostype_id] => 0
[os_key] =>
[os_name] => Unknown
[os_img] => unknown
[ostype_name] => Unknown
[ostype_img] => unknown
[Browser] => js_Browser Object
[browser_id] => 1024
[browsertype_id] => 0
[browser_key] => unknown bot
[browser_name] => Unknown Bot
[browser_img] => unknown
[browsertype_name] => Unknown
[browsertype_img] => unknown
[Tld] => js_Tld Object
[tld_id] => 0
[tld] => unknown
[tld_name] => Unknown
[tld_img] => unknown
[nslookup] =>
[browser_version] =>
DEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Perform Visit counting processDEBUG info JoomlaStats:
This is new VisitDEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Perform Page counting processDEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Page counting process successfulDEBUG info JoomlaStats:
Refferer not set.
Editing & Proofreading
Editing & Proofreading
Pharmacad Services also offers
With proofreading the editors check the target text for spelling, punctuation and formatting errors, and the manuscripts are corrected immediately. All processing is done in Miscrosoft Word in 'Track changes' mode. For publications and print offsets manuscipts must as a matter of principle be proofread. How this is done depends greatly on the intended use of the manuscript.
In order to ensure that text to be published is expressed exactly as it should be in the target language, editing by a similarly qualified expert is necessary. An editor can act as a prereviewer, picking up on the sort of errors that a peer-reviewer might otherwise pick up on before the manuscript is submitted. Editing entails more qualification than proofreading alone does, and generally takes more time. An editing would take the form of a proofreading, but with comments entered in the text where the reviewer picks up on problems. Also, the manuscript may also have substantial parts of the text rewritten or reduced, with the editor using his considered judgement in removing unnecessary repetitions etc.